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Who we are

Artefatto Gioielli is a goldsmith artisan workshop.

The project was born from the passion of two brothers, Angelo and Francesco Donadeo, for an ancient craft and the desire to give life to the jewel as an artistic expression.

The small goldsmith’s workshop is located in the historic center of Lecce, where in the past there were the old artisan shops, and it is the place where to give life to your ideas, where to create your own unique and inimitable jewel, is the expression of the craft of quality that combines old traditions with modern design, typical of Made in Italy.

Angelo Donadeo’s experience begins by graduating from the Istituto Statale d’Arte of Grottaglie (TA) as an art teacher in Toreutica.
After graduation he moved to Campania where he continued his studies at the jewelery and design school inside the goldsmith’s center “il Tarì”.

Francesco Donadeo after graduating from the Liceo Scientifico of Grottaglie (TA) reaches Angelo in Campania where he attended the professional training course as a setter; here both work and collaborate as a goldsmith and cashier with some leading companies in the jewelery and jewelery sector.

After a few years they moved to Vicenza to learn the techniques of Vicenza and merge them with those from the Neapolitan tradition. Here both work as jewelers goldsmiths in a craftsman’s workshop of great tradition, supporting for years goldsmiths and high-level setters, creating objects of great commercial and artistic value. In the meantime, Francesco also attends a professional qualification course as a goldsmith modeling technician.

After years they decide to return to their land of origin, taking advantage of the great experience gained over time, to give life to a dream, open a small goldsmith workshop where to give vent to creativity.
